These compounds perform marvels in the body, combating free radicals that can damage our cells. Some would even say they form the armour we need to maintain healthy collagen production. Did you know that our Colladeen
® Original and Colladeen
® Visage supplements are two of the UK’s richest natural sources of these intriguing plant compounds? In France and Italy, anthocyanidins are already a booming industry because researchers have exposed the role they play in supporting small blood vessel health. Indeed, we rely on these small blood vessels to continuously repair and renew collagen in our skin, heart, brain and eyes. And while dark skinned fruits certainly provide a dose of anthocyanidins, it’s not enough to have a desired effect.
Fortunately, our Colladeen
® products provide a strong hit of anthocyanidins; two tablets provide an impressive 320mg, which is the equivalent of 200 black grapes a day! Whatever Colladeen
® supplement you choose, you can trust they both contain the same levels of anthocyanidins to support your body. Want to understand more about this health hero? Read more about
Colladeen® here.