Circulatory System Supplements
Our circulatory system is made up of thousands of blood vessels, from large arteries to tiny capillaries, and is a transport system supplying food, oxygen, heat and water to cells as well as carrying away waste materials.
The network of vessels supplying the extremities of the body such as the hands and feet is called peripheral circulation and the health and fitness of our limbs relies on the blood being able to flow easily through this system. During winter months the body shuts down the circulation to the extremities as a way of conserving heat and this can lead to cold hands and feet. Most micro circulatory problems arise either from damage to a blood vessel by free radicals (highly reactive compounds) or due to the narrowing of blood vessels, usually caused by fatty deposits.
Poor circulation has also been linked to impaired memory, hypertension, leg problems and cramp.
Natures Best have produced a comprehensive range of supplements to tackle circulatory health. If you need help to identify the correct supplement for you, why not email or phone our friendly Nutrition Advice team for more information.