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Catalogues are indispensable direct marketing tools for us. Not only do they provide our customers with detailed information on our products, but they’re a convenient and accessible way to present our extensive range of supplements. In fact, 63% of people believe it’s easier browsing through products in catalogue form, rather than onlinei. Think about it: catalogues are portable, easy-to-use, lightweight, and jam-packed with information. Customers can leaf through our entire library of supplements, browsing at their own pace and allowing themselves to feel inspired as they turn each page. Of course, this is especially useful for individuals who don’t readily have access to the Internet.

Since catalogues form a backbone of our marketing strategy, it goes without saying that we want them to be as sustainable as possible.  And that’s why our catalogues are curated by a company that strives to minimise the environmental impact of printed publications – and 100% FSC (forest stewardship council) approved.

Sustainability lies at the heart of our outsourced printing company. They take a leading role within the paper and printing industry to help push for environmental improvement. And within their own company, they follow a rigorous environmental management system to reduce the impact on their own production processes, facilities, and investments.

We use our printers Carbon Balanced Paper scheme, which offsets (balances) the carbon impact of the entire printing process. ‘Balancing’ is provided by the global conservation charity, World Land Trust. They offset harmful carbon emissions through purchasing and preserving high conservation value land, along with reforestation. Protecting such forests and planting new trees keeps carbon locked in the atmosphere that would otherwise be diffused. Better still, these conservation areas and growing saplings can continue soaking up carbon from the environment, achieving something referred to as REDD (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation). This is now acknowledged to be one of the best ways to curtail the rise in atmospheric C02.

That’s not all. Our catalogues are FSC approved, too – a mark of integrity that’s of utmost importance to us. FSC is the only forest certification system that promotes socially beneficial, environmentally appropriate, and economically viable management of the world’s forests. We wholeheartedly stand by their ethos, ‘Forest For All Forever’ – a vision that endeavours to save the world’s forests for future generations. Besides ensuring our catalogues comply with the highest environmental and social standards on the market, we stand with FSC to make a real difference to the world’s forests and ecosystems.

Once customers have finished perusing through our catalogues, they can be recycled, continuing their life cycle into newspapers, recycled paper, cardboard, or office paper. The benefits of recycling paper are far-reaching: it helps reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change; it takes approximately 70 per cent less water and energy to recycle paper than to manufacture new paper from trees; and – probably best of all – recycling one ton of paper saves 17 trees!


  1. Royal Mail MarketReach. The Power of Print Catalogues, Illuminas 2017 | 2 YouGov2012.


  1. Homepage. FSC United Kingdom. Available online: [Accessed 4 Feb. 2019].

  2. World Land Trust. Rainforest and Wildlife conservation in action with World Land Trust. Available online: [Accessed 4 Feb. 2019].

  3. Available online: [Accessed 4 Feb. 2019].

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