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Claims About Our Products

Claims about our Products

Delivering optimum nutrition is at the fore of everything we do. Besides keeping abreast of the latest nutritional science, our innovative formulas always contain top grade ingredients and nutrients at relevant, safe levels. In fact, our supplements are so uniquely ours that we ought to have ‘Nature’s Best’ stamped across them! When it comes to manufacturing highly complex, quality nutraceuticals, we believe it’s the fine detail that counts. And that’s why we’re so fastidious about ingredients, potency, quality, and manufacturing accuracy.

We don’t make medical claims

Legally, nutritional supplement companies can’t make sweeping medical claims – and this is something we wholly adhere to. However, if you inspect some of our competitors, many of whom trade offshore, you’ll find countless claims about their supplements miraculously curing cancer, banishing depression, or fighting Alzheimer’s disease. Ask yourself this: if these companies are prepared to make such illicit and dubious claims, can you really believe anything they advertise about the quality of their products?


We promise clear, accurate, and honest labelling – nothing less. Our products fully comply with current UK labelling regulations; we declare all the ingredients we use and don’t hide anything. We’re also committed to using the best ingredients available in our nutritional formulas. Top grade materials can cost up to £1,000 per kilo, but we don’t like cutting corners. Indeed, we believe a supplement is only as good as its ingredients – and that’s why we’re not always the cheapest on the market.


Of course, safety and potency are vitally important to us, too. That’s why we only include nutrients at effective, relevant, and stable levels in our formulas (you won’t see any of what we call ‘window dressing’ in the ingredient lists). Each product also contains a Best Before End (BBE) date – a guarantee of when the nutrients will still be effective and stable. Note that our dates are considerably more conservative than some other suppliers.

Quality to the core

Unlike many of our competitors, we never purchase ‘off-the-shelf’ bulk tablets. Every product is made specifically for its individual purpose. Our tablets are carefully formulated and rigorously examined to ensure they disintegrate between 30 and 60 minutes after ingesting, too (with the exception of our specially formulated time release tablets). Plus, we’re the first company that’s insisted on film coating for all our tablets, where relevant, this equates to 95% of the tablets in our range. It’s a 20% extra cost for us, but we’d rather choke on the price than have customers choke on our supplements.

We insist on UK-made

When you buy from us, you can trust our products are genuinely 100% UK manufactured to stringent GMP (Goods Manufacturing Practice) standards for food supplements.  We wish the same could be said of our competitors; many mail-order companies buy bulk tablets in India and China, packaged them in the UK, and then claim they’re ‘UK-made’. While this is somewhat legal, we think it’s misleading.

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