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Plastic Pots

Plastic Pots

We’ve opted for high-density polyethylene (HDPE) to store our supplements safely. Besides being robust and sturdy enough to guarantee the quality and freshness of our products – as well as free from BPA (an endocrine-disrupting compound found in some plastics) – this material is super lightweight, meaning it requires fewer vehicles and less fuel to transport – and has a smaller carbon footprint, as a result.
Continuous collaboration with our supplier enables us to identify opportunities for optimising material usage. In 2018, thanks to advancements in design and technology, we were able to reduce the amount of HDPE in our pots by up to 18% across the range.
HDPE also comes up trumps on the recycling front. In fact, it is one of the simplest polymers to recycle across the world, which helps reduce plastic pollution. It’s far more cost-effective and sustainable to manufacture a product from recycled HDPE than it is to produce ‘virgin’ plastic. Thanks to its flexible integrity, we can use recycled HDPE to manufacture new products, such as toys, rope, recycling bins, rubbish bins, and piping.
Recycling aside, plenty of our customers reuse their supplement pots, too – from storing craft supplies to stashing nails and bolts to placing them on bamboo canes in the allotment. Who says they need to end their journey in the recycling bin? There are countless creative hacks to upcycle these multipurpose, versatile pots.

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