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Why We Don't Sell Krill Oil

Why We Don't Sell Krill Oil

Our Krill Oil was being responsibly sourced, however, we listen to our customers, and the consensus is that Krill Oil is of concern to many of them, so we decided to delist this product.

But what next, we hear you ask? What could replace Super Krill and still offer all the benefits that you’ve learnt to trust from your current product. Well, let us introduce you to two excellent alternatives:


OracOmega®, High strength pure fish oil with protective plant antioxidants.

Astaxanthin, Natural Source Microalgae


OracOmega® contains significantly higher levels of the important EPA/DHA compounds than you’ll find in Krill Oil and you get the benefits of our unique ORAC blend; green tea, rosemary and oregano. Combined, all these plants help to defend the body against the damaging effects of free radicals from pollution, sunlight and heavy exercise.

Voted Number 1 Choice!

We gave OracOmega® to a group of nutrition experts and they all agreed that we had a GREAT formula, and 7 out of 8 said that it would become their first choice of fish oil.

One of the UK’s best fish oils with protective plant antioxidants

Studies validate the value of omega 3s to our health, but these benefits only exist if the omega 3 is not oxidised. We look after the oils right up to the point you swallow them, with careful processing and by protecting the oil from oxidation, with the capsule shell. Once the omega 3s are in your bloodstream, it is important to ensure that they don’t get oxidised by highly reactive compounds called free radicals. Our bodies are great at preventing this from happening by throwing antioxidants at the free radicals to neutralize them. Many useful antioxidants are nutrients that we obtain from our food, and increasingly the effectiveness of each antioxidant is being measured in ORAC units for comparison. Interestingly, certain plant phenolic compounds are much more effective than even vitamins C and E.

Unique ORAC Blend of plant polyphenols

OracOmega® combines a healthy dose of these plant antioxidants, (from green tea, rosemary and oregano), with our pure fish oil, to create a unique high potency product. No other product delivers this level of antioxidants combined with one of the UK’s strongest fish oil products.

Let's compare for formulas...

Super Krill Oil 500mg

Typically per 2 capsules
Fish Body Oils 600mg
Total Omega 3 Fatty Acids 394mg
Total Marine Oil 1600mg, Marine Phospholipids 450mg
Elcosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) 210mg
Docosahexaenoic Acids (DHA) 115mg
Pure Antarctic Krill Oil 1,00mg
Astaxanthins 500ug

OracOmega 1200mg

Typically per 2 capsules
Fish Body Oils 1200mg
Total Omega 3 Fatty Acids 760mg
Orac Blend neutralises free radicals to ensure optimum absorption
Elcosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) 390mg
Docosahexaenoic Acids (DHA) 260mg
Orac Belnd (from Green Tea ,Grape Seed, Rosemary and Oregano extracts) 200mg
Natural antioxidants present as Orac Blend


Freshwater fish such as trout and salmon, two notably rich sources of omega fatty acids, feed on tiny microalgae which contain a carotenoid pigment called astaxanthin, responsible for their pinky colour. This amazing carotenoid is closely related to zeaxanthin and lutein, nutrients known for supporting eye health. Astaxanthin is also one of nature’s most potent antioxidants, which helps support the body’s cells/collagen from free radical damage/oxidative stress, linked to the ageing process.

Our Astaxanthin 4mg Microalgae is derived from the freshwater green algae, Haematococcus pluvialis, a natural rather than synthetic form. The algae are cultivated in a climate-controlled environment, in the Arava desert. The 3-month cultivation process, mimics astaxanthin accumulation in nature and produces an exceptionally pure and high-quality microalgae, compared to the astaxanthin grown in outdoor ponds. The supercritical CO2 extraction technology avoids excess heat and is more environmentally friendly being solar panel driven. The result- a solvent-free product.

Buyer Beware! Some Brands described as Astaxanthin 12mg may appear more potent however this is often per serving not per capsule. Or, the active astaxanthin level is only 5%, which equates to just 0.6 mg astaxanthin per capsule! Each one of our Astaxanthin capsules delivers 4mg of natural, active astaxanthin; a level comparable with published studies.

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