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News Focus - April 2024

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April is Stress Awareness Month: How stress and anxiety affect sleep

Understanding how stress and anxiety affect sleep is an important step in supporting your physical and emotional health. Here, we look at the link between stress and sleep, as well as helpful ways to manage nocturnal anxiety. Link to Article


Press reset on stress 

There is no drug to cure stress. But we do have access to a built-in “stress reset button” that acts as an antidote to stress. It’s called the relaxation response. In contrast to the stress response, the relaxation response slows the heart rate, lowers blood pressure and decreases oxygen consumption and levels of stress hormones. Link to Article

Pump up your vein health: The role of nutrition

Our circulatory system relies on veins to transport blood back to the heart, vital in delivering oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. This article explores nutrition’s significant role in supporting vein health. It also offers practical tips for incorporating vein-friendly foods into your diet. Link to Article

What’s the link between menopause and allergies?

When you think of the classic menopausal symptoms, your mind might turn to hot flushes and mood changes. But for some women, the menopausal transition may also be characterised by lesser-known symptoms, including new or worsening allergies and asthma. Link to Article

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