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Cholesterol-lowering seed extract shown to lower blood pressure
Several bodies of research have suggested the compounds found in a certain seed extract may effectively disarm free radicals in the body, conferring cardiovascular health. Participants in the study reported in this article experienced a reduction in blood pressure as a result of supplementation. Link to article.
Relaxation techniques to reduce discomfort
Exhausted by conventional treatments, many people turn to alternative therapies to manage physical discomfort. These methods downregulate your nervous system and help you relax. Here, we look at some of the most popular alternative therapies to support your wellbeing. Link to article.

'Top' anti-inflammatory foods to tackle dry eye
While dry eye can be irritating and uncomfortable, there are a number of practical steps you can take to prevent dehydration and soothe dry eyes. One such intervention is by including certain foods in your diet. So if you’re suffering with sore, gritty or blurry vision read on to find out what to put in your shopping basket this week. Link to article
Dairy-free recipes for lactose intolerance
According to Bupa, in the UK, around one in every 10 older children and adults are thought to have lactose intolerance. Struggling with lactose intolerance doesn’t mean you have to miss out on your favourite dishes. Here are some of our favourite dairy-free recipes. Link to article
Chronic cough vs acute cough: symptoms and treatments
There can be few things more annoying than finding yourself in close proximity to someone with a nagging cough – and thanks to the Covid pandemic, it’s not just annoying but worrying too. Like many other health conditions, a cough can be acute or chronic. Familiarise yourself with the types of coughs and when to seek treatment. Link to article
Gut microbiome for human health and the role of prebiotics
Microbiota refers to microorganisms that live inside and on humans. These organisms can be found on the skin, digestive tract, vagina, urinary tract and oral cavity. Dysbiosis, an imbalance between good and bad bacteria, can now be linked to various health concerns. Read on to take a closer look at the role prebiotics. Link to article
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