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News Focus - August 2024

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Back-to-school health

Essential back-to-school health tips for parents are covered here. Topics include the importance of  developing a healthy sleep routine, maintaining a nutritious diet, promoting good hygiene practices and supplement suggestions to help get term-time ready. Link to Article


Why magnesium is essential during the menopause

Here we explain the importance of magnesium during menopause. It emphasises that maintaining adequate magnesium levels through diet and supplementation can contribute to overall wellbeing and help manage menopausal symptoms. Link to Article

How to support female health on a plant-based diet

This content covers how to support female health on a plant-based diet. It highlights key nutrients, such as iron, omega 3 fatty acids and calcium, and provides tips on incorporating these nutrients into a plant-based diet to maintain optimal health. Link to Article

The importance of vitamin D & K for heart & bone health

This article discusses a review that suggests vitamin D and vitamin K co-treatment may be for postmenopausal women. The review highlights the potential of these vitamins in supporting bone and heart health. Link to Article

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