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News Focus - May 2024

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Selenium supplements may offer migraine support

According to a recent study, daily supplementation with selenium could potentially decrease the frequency and intensity of headaches in individuals who experience migraines. Link to Article


5p pill can stop you losing muscle mass after you are 50 

Higher dietary vitamin C intake is linked to greater skeletal muscle mass in middle-aged and older adults. Vitamin C, found in vegetables and fruits, plays a role in energy production, muscle function and protection against free radicals. Link to Article

What ultra-processed foods are doing to your body

This article discusses the detrimental effects of ultra-processed foods on the body, including negative impacts on the skin, hair and mental health. It highlights how consuming these foods can lead to inflammation, breakouts, and accelerated ageing of the skin, as well as contribute to hair loss and low mood. Link to Article

Prostate health: how to help

Discover five ways to support someone with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It emphasises the importance of open communication and understanding, suggesting that actively listening and providing emotional support can be helpful. Link to Article

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