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News Focus - September 2023

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Grape seed extract for varicose veins


Grape seed extract, in the form of Colladeen® Original, has been in our range for over 13 years, so we’re always pleased to see this amazing nutrient receive media attention. This concise feature explains how grape seed extract can be helpful for venous health. Link to article.


Can prebiotics improve your mood?

The gut-brain axis is hot-topic in the health and wellness space - with growing attention being paid to ‘mood-foods’. This news covers the importance of feeding our gut with prebiotics to support mood and cognitive health. Link to article.


Vitamin D levels linked to metabolic syndrome in PCOS patients


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an emotionally and physically debilitating condition, and one we are determined to give a voice to. Visit our PCOS Hub here. In this article, a new study investigating the influence of vitamin D on patients with PCOS shows positive results. Link to article

Rutin flavonoid improves blood pressure and quality of life in type 2 diabetic patients


A new study has found that rutin supplementation improved blood pressure, levels of antioxidant enzymes, and quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes. Rutin, often found in association with vitamin C, is understood to have cardio-protective properties. Click to learn more. Link to article

Prunes for bone health


‘The Prune Study’ details the favourable impact dietary consumption of the humble prune has on bone health. The study focuses on postmenopausal women, a cohort vulnerable to bone fracture, with robust results. Thankfully, these fruits are easily incorporated into a daily diet by adding them to cereals or yoghurt to elevate breakfast time. Link to article

Skin breakouts and vitamin deficiencies: What you should know


Nutrition is an important component of skin care and is one modality used to address skin complaints. A healthy, diet which includes the ‘Super Six’: vegetables, fruits, wholegrains, legumes (beans and pulses), nuts and seeds and herbs and spices, can support skin appearance. Learn more about specific skin-loving nutrients in this piece. Link to article

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