If I know the product codes, how do I order quickly?
Click on Quick Order form, you will then be able to enter the product codes and quantities.
Once you have entered the codes, and the quantity, click Check Codes.
This will then check all the codes for you and then bring up the description. Click Buy Now to put in your basket.
Alternatively, enter the product codes.or names of the required products in the Search bar.
You will then be directed to the relevant product page.
Click buy to add to your basket.
I have put a product in the basket which I don't want. How do I get it out?
In your basket you will notice a quantity box with a minus and plus either side.
At the bottom of the product list is a remove button.
Amend the product you wish to delete to zero by either typing zero or by using the minus button then click remove and the item will be deleted from your order.
Click update and allow the screen to refresh before commencing with your order.
There is also an option of ‘Save for later’ which may be used to hold products until you are ready to place your order.
How do I empty my basket?
Go to your basket, click Remove on each product line, until your basket is empty. Then Click Update.
How do I know if your website is secure?
If you look at the web address that shows at the top of the screen it will state https. The S on this means it is safe. If the S is missing then a site may be insecure. For example https://www.naturesbest.co.uk
Another way of identifying a secure site is if there is a padlock showing on the bottom right hand side of the screen.
My Visa verification is asking for a password, what is this password?
To protect your card online with your bank, you would have chosen a password to authorise payment from your card. If you have forgotten the password, please click the link on the pop up and this should then direct you to your banks website to answer security questions and then reset a new password.
For security reasons our website does require a verification password when taking payment, if you have not yet set this up, please follow the links on the screen where you will be able to set up an applicable password.
I have placed my order, each time I click checkout, I am asked for my full name and address details?
If you have previously registered, click sign in on the top of the screen and use the email address and password to enter.
If you are a new customers click new registrations, enter your postcode and house number, then click register. This will bring up a blank form for you to complete with your details, you will also be prompted to choose a password which will be used each time you login to the website.
I have entered a quantity of 4 for a product but I only want 2, how do I change it?
In my basket the quantity field next to the product will show 4, click the minus button on the left hand side twice and wait for the screen to refresh. The quantity should now show 2. The minus and plus buttons are there to reduce or increase the quantity already entered in the quantity box, click update at the bottom of screen.
I am trying to register, but cannot find my country on the drop down menu, why is this?
There are a number of reasons why a country may be missing from the drop down list. If you cannot find your country, please call customer services on 01892 55 20 30 or e-mail info@naturesbest.co.uk.
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