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FAQs - How to use Voucher Codes

How they work...
VDP vouchers are a great way of taking advantage of product offers. Each voucher is assigned to a specific product. In this article we give you a simple guide to show you how to use your voucher.

1. Add product to your basket & proceed to payment...

(E.g,If you have a voucher offering a discount for Flourishe then add Flourishe to your basket)

Your basket

2. Enter your voucher code in the Promotion or Voucher code field and click the orange button to the right to proceed...

Enter voucher code

3. You should see red text on your order saying 'Discount Applied' and you will see the discounted price is now applied...

Apply voucher code

You have now successfully applied your discount voucher, continue through to payment to complete your order.

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