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Nooch popcorn

Nooch popcorn



40g nutritional yeast 

240g popcorn kernels

6 tbsp. coconut oil 

2 tsp. sea salt 




1. Combine the nutritional yeast and salt in a large food storage container with a lid. Set aside. 

2. Heat the coconut oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Place a few individual kernels in the pan. Once they begin to pop, add the rest. 

3. Cover the saucepan with a lid and give it a good shake so all the kernels are coated in coconut oil. 

4. When the kernel start popping, shake the pan every 15 seconds. 

5. Once the popping stops, transfer the popcorn to the large storage container, put the lid on, and give it a shake. 

6. Pour into a bowl and enjoy!


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Our Author - Olivia Salter


Olivia Salter has always been an avid health nut. After graduating from the University of Bristol, she began working for a nutritional consultancy where she discovered her passion for all things wellness-related. There, she executed much of the company’s content marketing strategy and found her niche in health writing, publishing articles in Women’s Health, Mind Body Green, Thrive and Psychologies.

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