Buying Safe Supplements
Times are tough and we all need to tighten our belts a little but buying heavily discounted supplements on price comparison website to save £s is almost bound to be risky; unless you’ve done your homework.
Vitamin D at ridiculously high potencies
Take Vitamin D for example. This important vitamin has been in the news constantly in the last year, with many positive research findings. But what you may not have seen are the online discounters selling potencies as high as 50,000iu. Only doctors are able to recommend this level to their patients in very special circumstances and for short term use only as it is 50 times stronger than the level (1,000iu) considered to be safe as a long term daily intake.
And this is just one example of what we’ve found when searching online.
Our advice
Only buy supplements that are made to GMP pharmaceutical standards – they contain higher quality ingredients and will have undergone stringent testing prior to being packed.
Only buy supplements from a reputable company. Do your research and check them out first. If the website has no contact information or there’s no customer service number, then be suspicious! Many companies will only give vague, uneducated answers about the contents of their products and the nature of a product’s manufacturing processes.
Only buy from a company that works within the UK law.
If the company makes outlandish claims for its products can you really trust them with your health? Call the enquiry number and ask them a few questions. Chances are they’ll give you vague, ill-educated answers about the content of their products and the manufacturing process.
Only buy from a company whose supplements are manufactured, tested and packed here in the UK.
Reputable companies will have an informative label on their supplements, which is both accurate and up to date. Bear in mind too that websites such as Amazon and eBay are great at deliveries but don’t claim to guarantee the quality or service of the supplements their merchants are selling.
And if it’s cheap, then ask yourself the question why? No reputable company using high-quality ingredients can manufacture top quality supplements cheaply. It just isn’t possible.
After all, it’s your health we’re talking about!