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What is Epsom Salt?

 What is Epsom Salt?

What is Epsom Salt?

In the early 17th century in the English town of Epsom, a naturally occurring magnesium and sulfate mineral compound was discovered in the water of an underground spring. This substance was named epsomite. It wasn’t long before the therapeutic properties of these minerals gained recognition and Epsom was dubbed a spa town. The minerals became popularised in the form of Epsom Salts and are used in beauty preparations and soothing bath soaks to this day.

Below are some delicious ways to use Epsom Salts with some of our favourite Nature’s Best Skincare products:

Sleep Well Bath Soak

Mix 20ml of carrier oil (Grapeseed Oil) and 10-20 drops of Lavender Oil. Add this to 100g of Epsom Salts and add dried lavender buds if you wish. Package in a resealable jar.

Invigorating Bath Blend

Mix 20ml of carrier oil (Grapeseed Oil) and 10 drops of Refreshing Blend. Add this to 100g of Epsom Salts and add dried lemon peel and rosemary if you wish. Package in a resealable jar.

Revitalizing Foot soak

Mix 20ml of carrier oil (Grapeseed Oil) and 10-20 drops of Tea Tree Oil and 2 capsules of Peppermint Oil (optional). Add this to 100g of Epsom Salts and package in a resealable jar.

Nourishing Body scrub

Mix Colladeen Body Oil and Epsom Salts.

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