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When is the best time to take a multivitamin

When’s the best time to take a multivitamin

In theory, a healthy, balanced diet should provide all the nutrients you need. But the reality can look quite different. Taking a multivitamin may help increase your intake of important nutrients, which can be especially useful at a time when – for whatever reason – you can’t hit every nutritional note. Multivitamins also provide targeted support for certain groups, like pregnant women, active individuals, and mature adults, as well as those with specific health concerns.
However, the nutritional profile of a multivitamin isn’t the only important consideration; when you take your multi matters, too, as we explore below.

When should I take a multivitamin?


There’s no absolute right or wrong time to take a multivitamin. But it’s generally a good idea to take it with a meal.
Many people get into a routine of taking their multivitamins with breakfast. And because multis often include nutrients involved in energy production, taking it at this time also makes sense.
However, most multivitamins contain fat-soluble vitamins, meaning you need to take them with a meal that contains fats or oils. To give your body the best opportunity to absorb the nutrients in your multi, your breakfast should contain some healthy fats, such as avocado, eggs, Greek yoghurt, chia seeds, nuts, nut butter, or oily fish.


What about drug interactions?

It’s also worth mentioning that some ingredients in a multivitamin may interfere with the absorption of certain medicines, meaning you should avoid taking your multivitamin and medication together. For instance, calcium and iron can disrupt the body’s absorption of thyroxine, a medication taken by people with an underactive thyroid. The best time to take thyroxine is usually first thing in the morning, before breakfast. And that’s why, in this particular scenario, it’s advisable to take your multi later in the day, once your body has absorbed the thyroxine.
In any case, if you’re taking regular prescription medication, always check the patient information leaflet for interactions with the vitamins or minerals in your multi or ask your pharmacist for advice.
Some people also take additional supplements alongside their multi, including vitamins and minerals often found in multivitamins but in higher amounts. If possible, spread the intake throughout the day, preferably at mealtimes.

Want to learn more about multivitamins? Get in touch with one of our expert Nutrition Advisors, who are always happy to offer free, confidential advice. You can take a look at our full multivitamin range here.


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Disclaimer: The information presented by Nature's Best is for informational purposes only. It is based on scientific studies (human, animal, or in vitro), clinical experience, or traditional usage as cited in each article. The results reported may not necessarily occur in all individuals. Self-treatment is not recommended for life-threatening conditions that require medical treatment under a doctor's care. For many of the conditions discussed, treatment with prescription or over the counter medication is also available. Consult your doctor, practitioner, and/or pharmacist for any health problem and before using any supplements or before making any changes in prescribed medications.

Our Author - Christine Morgan


Christine Morgan has been a freelance health and wellbeing journalist for almost 20 years, having written for numerous publications including the Daily Mirror, S Magazine, Top Sante, Healthy, Woman & Home, Zest, Allergy, Healthy Times and Pregnancy & Birth; she has also edited several titles such as Women’ Health, Shine’s Real Health & Beauty and All About Health.

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