Recovery & Rebuild
After a hard training session your muscles will be depleted of glutamine and glycogen and your electrolyte mineral levels may be reduced. So the aim should be to quickly provide the body with the amino acids it needs to jump start muscular repair, and to replace lost minerals. So a post workout meal may very well be the most important meal of the day since the body starts to enter a catabolic state where muscle glycogen is depleted and muscle tissue will start to be broken down.
An easily digested whey protein shake can deliver a fast fix for your amino acid requirements and a glutamine supplement can boost body levels quickly. An energy drink with electrolytes is often recommended and a good multi, such as our Sports Multi will keep the body topped up with trace minerals such as zinc, and with antioxidant nutrients such as selenium and vitamin C.
To help muscles recover, try either Cherry Concentrate, Quercetin, or Colladeen Original. All contain powerful plant compounds that are supported by sound scientific evidence