Girls & Teenagers
Girls can become quite picky over foods, favouring those rich in sugar, starch and salt (and calories) such as burgers, shakes and chips rather than fresh fruit and vegetables. Try to ensure a balanced and varied diet at home even though you can’t control what they eat when they’re out.
A suitable multi like Tasty Chews will help safeguard against nutritional shortfalls in the diet.
As they hit puberty, it’s a time of great change and upheaval for a teenager and the hormonal changes that accompany monthly periods such as sugar cravings and skin problems can cause particular problems for girls. Teenage girls frequently avoid dairy foods because of their relatively high fat content and excessive fizzy drinks are believed to have a detrimental effect on their bone density. Good nutrition at this time is important as the body requires higher levels of energy, protein, iron, calcium and other nutrients to sustain rapid growth spurts.
A multivitamin and mineral product will even out any micro-nutrient imbalances caused by poor diet and a fish oil supplement is a sensible addition to avoid a shortfall in Omega 3s, which are so important to brain health and reproductive development. A separate calcium supplement will ensure your teenager receives sufficient levels of this bone making mineral. Premtis® is a great choice for older teenage girls as it provides a high level of magnesium.