Young Women
Choosing a decent multi vitamin and mineral supplement will help to ensure all of the key trace minerals like iron, zinc, chromium and selenium are covered. Calcium intake is also very important for women of this age group for bone mass peaks at around 30-35 years of age and optimum levels are important for healthy bones and teeth.
Magnesium is another mineral which should not be overlooked as it may contribute to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue and many women’s diets will contain low levels of this essential mineral. Nature’s Best® has a great range of multis to meet these nutritional needs with all the trace minerals present at the full recommended level, not simply included to make the formula look good.
The Omega 3s found in fish oil are important too, being involved in all areas of women’s health including the reproductive system, skin and joints. Optimum nutrition during pregnancy greatly improves the chances of having a healthy pregnancy and women looking to conceive are advised to choose a specialist multi like Nature’s Bests’ StrongStart® which includes 400µg of folic acid.