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Blister Packs

Blister Packs

We draw on a range of packaging methods to ensure the quality, freshness, and stability of nutritional formulas. For some, our ‘green’ high-density polyethylene (HDPE) supplement pots are the most appropriate casing. Others, however, are more conducive to foil blister packs, which use a combination of plastic and aluminium foil to protect and encase supplements, like our products Colladeen® Visage, CoQ10 100mg, and Eyewise®
The main advantage of using blister packs is their ability to maintain the stability of our products. Blister packs place supplements in individual pockets under optimal sanitary conditions. They act as a barrier against oxygen and moisture, which can spoil formulas. Blister packs also offer a long-lasting and immediate guarantee of the stability and integrity of more fragile products.
What’s more, researchers typically conduct stability studies on one blister foil, which contains 15 tablets. This means we can offer customers a range of fill sizes in multiples of 15 – 60, 90, and 120 tablets, for instance – without needing to conduct more stability examinations. If, however, such tablets were in high-density polyethylene pots, we would need stability data on every fill size – a labour-intensive process and, in our opinion, a waste of valuable resources. 
Of course, another attraction of using blister packs is their weight. Blister packs are much lighter than heavier materials like glass, meaning they save significant energy in transportation. Lighter products result in vehicles utilising less fuel, emitting fewer greenhouse gases in transit, and having a smaller carbon footprint. This saves our customers money, too. 
Blister packaging also lends itself to unit dosing, which some consumers find more convenient. They’re portable, easy to open, and a practical alternative for those who struggle with glass bottles. Better still, customers can use them discretely if needed. 
Finally, our blister packs are free from BPA (an endocrine-disrupting compound found in some plastics) and fully compliant with EU regulations on plastic materials interacting with foodstuffs. You can recycle empty blister packs at participating pharmacies


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