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In the wake of ever-present customer concerns over tainted beauty products causing skin irritation, the safety of our cosmetics has never been more paramount. Armed with a wealth of carefully conducted research and industry know-how, our skincare supplier creates products that are both safe and nourishing, fully complying with the ISO 22716 cosmetic standard of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).

First and foremost, our supplier ensures proper design for the areas of manufacturing, quality control, and storage, as outlined in the certification standard. Under this code of practice, it segregates all manufacturing and storage activities meticulously, and employs thorough cleaning and sanitation to avoid cross-contamination of chemicals. To guarantee the highest quality control and safety, the company schedules regular maintenance checks of its premises and equipment. It strictly follows criteria about the management of materials, too, assessing the quality status at every stage of the production process.

Though our supplier uses a wide-range of natural based fragrances, essential oils, and exfoliates in its formulas – some people may still develop an allergic reaction to them. That’s why all of our cosmetics come fully listed with any potential allergens on the label. Typically, a contact allergy will appear 24-48 hours after you’ve been exposed to an allergen. You might notice a rash, redness, weeping, itching, crusting, and blistering. If this is the case, stop using the product and consult your GP who can tell you which ingredients to steer clear of.

A word on preservatives: despite their bad press, they’re actually integral to maintaining the stability and safety of our skincare products since they prevent the toxic growth of bacteria and mould. While our supplier only uses a small number of preservatives when absolutely necessary, there’s a chance certain individuals may also be sensitive to them.

Finally, our supplier are members of SEDEX, which is a global organisation ensuring the labour rights and health and safety of all workers throughout the supply chain and Cosmetic Toiletry & Perfumery Association (CTPA), keeping up to date with the latest research and changes in legislation.


  1. Soil Association. Available online: [Accessed 1 Mar. 2019].

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